With every fibre of my being, I believe that it is right and just to treat others as you would want to be treated. In other words, you should only act towards others in the manner you want them to act towards you. Or, yet another way of looking at it, whatever we do to others we give others permission to do to us.
In the secular world, this is often known as the Golden Rule . . . do unto others as you would want done unto you. And, in the various major faiths it takes different wording* BUT the same concept exists in all of them . . .
Christianity | All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do
ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:1
Love thy neighbour as thyself.Matthew 22:39 (the 2nd of the 2 Greatest Commandments) |
Confucianism | Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. Then
there will be no resentment against you, either in the family or in the state.
Analects 12:2 |
Buddhism | Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.
Udana-Varga 5,1 |
Hinduism | This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would
not have them do unto you. Mahabharata 5,1517 |
Islam | No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother
that which he desires for himself. Sunnah |
Judaism | What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is
the entire Law; all the rest is commentary. Talmud, Shabbat 3id |
Taoism | Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s
loss as your own loss. Tai Shang Kan Yin P’ien |
Zoroastrianism | That nature alone is good which refrains from doing another
whatsoever is not good for itself. Dadisten-I-dinik, 94,5 |
*Source of above quotes from various faiths - http://www.teachingvalues.com/goldenrule.html
The Golden Rule, or whichever variation you prefer (my favourite is - "Love thy neighbour as thyself"), is arguably the foundational principal underlying all human rights. Each right being based upon what we would all like done, or not done, unto us . . . or what all of us deserve simply by the fact we are human.
So where does big fatty poopy heads come in? Well, anyone whose values profess to buy into the Golden Rule, or one of the versions as professed by their faith, and then doesn't do so is acting immorally. As an example, it could be said that the developed world, having the resources to ensure that everyone's rights are met, are acting immorally if they are not ensuring everyone has food, water, shelter, etc. That immorality makes us, collectively, poopy heads . . . big, fat ones. Granted, some within our society are bigger, fatter poopier heads than others, but we're all tainted by the poopiness whether or not our respective hands are dirty.
This tragic character flaw especially comes out when money is involved. Have you ever encountered someone who seems friendly enough, and then as soon as money comes up they turn into someone else? Or have you ever heard the phrase, "It's not personal, just business."? I don't know if the reason is fear about their own financial security . . . or greed . . . or something else, but so many people act weird and definitely do not treat others as they would like to be treated when money is involved. And the same thing happens at the state level.
Let's be authentic in all aspects of our lives and interactions. Whether expressing ourselves individually or nationally, let's be aligned with our values in all that we do. Let's be the same compassionate, loving, and all around good person with our money as we are in the non-money related aspects of our lives.
We should give of our time, money, and voice because WE CAN. We should give of our time, money, and voice out of compassion rather than self-interest. We should give our time, money, and voice because it is the right thing to do, and not because it makes business or economic sense. We should give our time, money, and voice because that is what we would want others to do for us if situations were reversed.
I recognize that I am at the far end of the spectrum when it comes to what I think should be done when there is poverty in our communities or anywhere in our world. I think everything else must drop down in priority when someone is in dire need. How can we live with ourselves otherwise? Besides, one day we may be in need, and we wouldn't want to have to wait on the convenience of others while our very lives are being held in the balance. Would we? Well . . . WOULD WE??? I didn't think so . . . and so let's not do so to those who are without their basic human rights and whose lives depend on our help.
As a society, let's do better. I call on each one of us to take a stand against big, fat poopy headed-ness. Okay? Right on!
Hey!! I'm That Poverty Guy . . . let's make a world of difference together.
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Thanks Carrie! Now we, as a society and individually, have to live up to our values.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being a great resource which I have used in Bible Studies and elsewhere. Maybe others are passing this on in some way; maybe they could share how or where?
ReplyDeleteIt makes me smile knowing these materials are helpful to people . . . which, of course, is my intent. I know people are sharing the with others, and some have even be influenced by them with respect to how they interact with the world. Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI do appreciate hearing from people as to how these materials are used or affect them.