July 30, 2011

One Week Down! (Day 8 - July 30, 2011)

That Poverty Guy (Sean Krausert)
Day 8 - Unshaven / 227 lbs
 Following yesterday's meltdown, I'm feeling pretty good today.  (See Day 7 if you want to read about it.)  I think I needed to get some things out of my system in order to prepare myself for the rest of the journey.  I'm feeling stronger and more committed than ever to standing up on behalf of those in poverty.

Last night was a cool one . . . down in the range of 3C or 4C.  That said, I slept well!  Just woke up a few times to cover myself up again.  And . . . I'm REALLY EXCITED because tomorrow morning I going to have a shower and will put on my "fresh" clothes ( . . . as described on Day 3, it's amazing what a little water, some rubbing on a stone, and hanging them in the sunlight and wind will do!).  Whether or not it looks like it to a stranger, I will be wearing my Sunday best when I arrive for church in the morning.

You can decide for yourself if there is much of a difference in my appearance from the picture on the left to the one that was posted on Day 1.  To my surprise, I am 6 lbs lighter!  I'm not alarmed though as I have been eating fine . . . but just goes to show you what a little more walking with no snacking can do.

I will not likely be posting another blog until Tuesday (Day 11).  Reason #1 . . . I will be busy playing around with a video camera and editting program in order to get some video blogs going.  So stay tuned for that.  Reason #2 . . . I won a free One-Day Pass to the Canmore Folk Music Festival from the local radio station . . . so That Poverty Guy is going to go lay in the park and listen to some music all day!!  Rest assured I will still be living without the comforts of home.

Hey!!  I'm That Poverty Guy . . . let's make a world of difference together.


  1. Sean,
    You are doing well, episodes are par for the course...and I think you are looking spiffy!
    Hot tip...When I was living on a beach somewhere in Portugal for a few months, I had to wash my clothes in cold water in a cement "basin". IF you are very thorough and use the rock (in my case cement)for scrubbing against, you will create "holy" clothes in no time! Lenora :0)

  2. Hi Lenora, thanks for your comment. Yeah . . . I sort of expect that I may get "hole-y" clothes but am trying to avoid as long as possible. In case any of the readers are ever looking for a "laundry stone", I suggest that a slightly bumpy yet smooth rock may be the way to go. I guess time will tell.

    Living on a beach, huh? Wish I had thought of that . . .

  3. Thanks for including your reflections in your Blog, Sean. We humans do not necessarily learn from our experiences...but from Reflecting on them...so reading your reflections is helpful :) Cheers PLS
