October 7, 2011

From Chaplin to Sesame Street

The ideas expressed in That Poverty Project or elsewhere with respect to poverty alleviation are not necessarily new.  In some cases they have been around for millennia.  And in other cases they simply speak truths that come from deep within us and are naturally part of the human condition.  The problem is not coming up with the ideas, but rather sharing them on a large enough scale to change our consciousness or remind us of better ways.

It is for this reason, I am thrilled when popular media is used to express ideas about compassion and caring for others.  Below are a couple of examples that came across my path this week.  The first takes us back to a speech given by Charlie Chaplin's character in The Great Dictator; a speech that could easily be given today.  And the second comes from Sesame Street, a fabulous influence to our children (if only the lessons they learn can just survive when they become adults!).

Charlie Chaplin's final speech in The Great Dictator

Sesame Street: Growing Hope Against Hunger


Hey!!  I'm That Poverty Guy . . . let's make a world of difference together.

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