September 28, 2011

Counting Down the Days . . . On Poverty? (Day 68 - September 28, 2011)

I'm counting down the days until I'm out of the tent and back in my house.  Let me tell ya  . . . Thanksgiving Weekend (CDN) can't come fast enough! And, as I get closer, my excitement grows as I imagine lying in my very own bed, showering daily, and wearing different clothes.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is not a train but rather . . . hope.

I am perfectly aware that those in the many and varied poverty situations around the world do not have the luxury of knowing their experience ends on a certain day.  But that's EXACTLY what we should be trying to achieve for them!  First, in all that we do to assist people in poverty, we must be instilling hope . . . that their needs can be met and their situation will improve.  Second, we must make it happen.   I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record, but the thing we should all know is that WE CAN END POVERTY.

We have enough food to feed everyone (and then some).  We have the ability to house, educate, and provide medical services for everyone.  We have the resources, we have the technology . . . and all we need is the will to do it.  I'm not talking about each one of us caring more, as I know that deep down we all care and that we are hardwired for compassion.  I'm talking about AS A PEOPLE speaking up to let the powers that be know our desire to end poverty, and giving them permission to get the wheels in motion.  I'm talking about each of us translating that deep desire to help into action.  Our action represents the hope that someone in need desperately desires.

Of course, there are initiatives underway.  A few governments have plans to end homelessness, and some others have strategies to reduce poverty.  Excellent.  At the same time, many organizations are implementing life changing programs in the most difficult of circumstances.  Fantastic.  And yet, many people remain in poverty working their butts off to survive each day and trying to crawl out of the muck that is there lot in life.  These people, who could easily be you or me, need these wonderful efforts by some governments and many organizations increased by everything we can throw their direction.  We need to change our priorities, and then change our systems to match those priorities.  We need a MASS MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE taking a stand HAVING ZERO TOLERANCE FOR LACK . . . of food, shelter, health care, education, or sanitation . . . ANYWHERE.

We have the ability to bring an end to systemic poverty . . . to have its days numbered.  We have the ability to give hope to all of those who do not have enough.  So why aren't we doing it?

PLEASE . . .

One last thing for today . . . a lot of people have been curious as to how my sprained ankle is doing.  I've recently upgraded its status to "PBF" . . . purple but functioning.  It looks ugly but is working fairly well . . . I'm able to walk places but just need to give it a good rest at the end of the day.

Hey!! I'm That Poverty Guy . . . let`s make a world of difference together.

1 comment:

  1. This may be something that others wish to do. I set up a 'Group' in my email contacts which I named "Political Leaders" in it I have the email address of the Prime Minister, The Minister of Finance, The Minister of International Affairs, as well as my Member of Parliament. When I see something that I think that they ought to see I send it to them Bcc. It's a little nudge that I can do.
