September 12, 2011

Tweets & Posts Update (September 5 - 11, 2011)

For those of you not on Twitter or Facebook, the following are some highlights from That Poverty Project's postings from the previous week:

Facebook Page ("Likes" grew from about 136 to 194 while each Post gets between 272 and 614 impressions.)

SEPTEMBER 5th - Ahhh! I needed that. I took the past 24 hours to be "radio silent" . . . in order to take time to simply be and to think. . . . (and then later) . . . Just so you know . . . the weather man is as, if not more, tenuous in predicting night time lows as he is with day time highs. As of 10 PM last night the forecast low was still be projected to be 9C . . . but it got down to 3C. Manageable, and certainly not -2C like a few nights ago . . . but trust me it is a world of difference between 9C and 3C. . . . (and then later) . . . Back in the tent, and definitely more content having had some hours of being "normal". I only have $5 left at the moment but worth every penny spent. (Wondering what I'm talking about . . . see Clucking Normal.) Good night all!

SEPTEMBER 6thHello Morning! You must be able to sleep through anything . . . you're so bright and cheerful. Didn't the BIG winds last night bother you . . . or my snoring? Guess not. What's your secret to a good night's sleep?

SEPTEMBER 7th - Feeling incredibly tired today. Brain in sludge, butt dragging, just want to lie down anywhere kind of tired. . . . (and then later) . . . I just heard that some places in the USA have funds that provide free cell phones and 250 minutes to people living in poverty (paid for by other cell users in those places). Some will not like this based upon a unhealthy view of what poverty should look like . . . but I think being connected and safe is important, especially for those in need. . . . (and then later) . . . Good morning everyone! What do you mean it's evening? Just kidding . . . I know that it is 6 PM on Sept 6th. What do you mean it's Sept 7th??? . . . But seriously, the fog is finally clearing from my head . . . well, back to normal fog levels anyway. It's been a strange day. Until just the last couple of hours I had felt like the energy was zapped right out of me. Feeling okay now though. . . . (and then later) . . . Day 47 coming to a close . . . looking forward to crawling into my cocoon and getting some shut eye. The weatherman is calling for a balmy 10C overnight, but I see stars which means all the heat is going to go POOF into the atmosphere. My bet is 4C (maybe 3C).

SEPTEMBER 8th - Q: What does "a bag of empty bottles" + "a previously loved toque" + "used, but fresh socks" equal?   A: A better of a day for someone who has nothing.    I was gifted the above. The bottles came from a neighbour, and the socks and toque arrived in the mail. While I'm doing self sacrifice to raise awareness, for those who REALLY are homeless, small things like these can make a huge difference. The bottles put food in an empty belly, and the toque and socks keep the heat from escaping the body. . . . (and then later) . . . Alleviating poverty is all about numbers - getting lots of people being a voice for the poor. Of course, that starts with working together to build awareness. . . . (and then later) . . . It's dark so early, and I'm not tired yet. Tomorrow I'll have to take some bottles into the depot for a little cash, and I have to do my laundry (AGAIN!). I was right about it getting down to 3C last night (despite forecast of 10C), and I expect the same for tonight. Manageable . . . but sure miss my bed.

SEPTEMBER 9th - Got down to freezing last night . . . just saying.  . . . (and then later) . . . So here's the deal . . . the Eskimos are playing but I can't watch . . . my lovely wife is out with friends but I can't afford to join them . . . I've had a pretty good anxiety attack today . . . but it's all good. Really. Well . . . sort of.

SEPTEMBER 10th - Interesting . . . above average day time highs :) . . . and below average night time lows :(. Second night in a row getting down to 0C. I wonder what my weight is this week . . . it was warmer overall so my body wouldn't burn as many calories staying warm. Didn't get to my laundry yesterday. Going to get to it as soon as the sun crests the mountain.

SEPTEMBER 11th - I think I'm going to be fairly quiet today . . . feeling completely drained. It was much warmer last night (which was AWESOME) and the wind is blowing quite a bit right now. I think there might be a weather system change that is possibly affecting me. Whatever it is . . . sapped of energy and brain dead. Hmmm. This, too, shall pass.

Twitter Account (@thatpovertyguy . . . "Followers" increased from 560 - 870 including many mentions and retweets by others . . . and many postings in The #socialjustice Daily and The Daily Heirhead)

SEPTEMBER 5th - I hereby end my nearly 24 hours of social media silence while I took time to be and to think. I needed it, as we all do from time to time.

SEPTEMBER 6th - Strange night. Lots of wind and a daddy long legs spider that wanted to snuggle (which freaked me out). . . . (and then later) . . . I'm wondering how much of a correlation there is between not enough action on poverty by gov't and too few women elected? . . . (and then later) . . . I have HOPE and BELIEVE that humanity's COMPASSION WILL ultimately WIN the day to ensure EVERYONE HAS ENOUGH.

SEPTEMBER 7th - Staying connected & safe is important! Some USA states offer free phone plans for those in need. . . . (and then later) . . . 1,400,000,000 people live on less than $1.25 per day. That's 1.4 BILLION too many. . . . (and then later) . . . One kid dying in front of us is a disaster. Yet 22,000 kids dying from poverty elsewhere everyday isn't a headline. Hmmm.

SEPTEMBER 8th - What do empty bottles, a toque, or socks do for most of us? A little. But for someone with nothing, they can be A LOT. . . . (and then later) . . . Estimated # of street homeless - Australia (105K), Canada (200K), Europe (3M), India (78M), Mexico (40M), USA (2.5M)

SEPTEMBER 9th - "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." Gandhi  . . . (and then later) . . . To be or not to be . . . that's just an everyday question for those in poverty.

SEPTEMBER 10th - No matter how dark or cold the night, the sun always rises in the morning. . . .(and then later) . . . The laundry's hanging! Happiness is clean clothes. . . . (and then later) . . . Today, the richest 400 American families own more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans.

SEPTEMBER 11th - Thinking of the pain in world before 9/11, the pain caused by 9/11, and the pain since 9/11. We must address the pain, not create more.

Hey!! I'm That Poverty Guy . . . let's make a world of difference together.

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