September 1, 2011

Fresh Start . . . Sort Of (Day 41 - September 1, 2011)

A lot of interesting things happen after 40 days . . .

Biblically speaking, 40 days is a recurring theme.  Noah had to sail around in the ark for 40 days and nights while it rained (and then wait another 40 days before opening a window).  Moses was up on the mountain for 40 days a couple of times, one of which produced the Ten Commandments.  Goliath taunted the Israelites for 40 days before being killed by David.  Jesus spent 40 days and nights being tempted in the wilderness.  These are just a few examples, but each one of them resulted in a "fresh start" . . .  for civilization via Noah, the Israelites via Moses and later David, and for Jesus as he started his ministry.

While 40 days is the period of time that ancient astronomers used to keep track of the passing year, it also has other significance for us.  It is often said that it takes 6 weeks to break a habit or start a new habit (i.e. roughly 40 days).  And, often broken bones are estimated to heal in 6 weeks (give or take).  In both of these cases . . . a fresh start.

So, in honour of having completed 40 full days of this project . . . I am noting some of the fresh starts from today . . .

September 1st - Fresh snow on the Three Sisters.
*A really fresh start this morning . . . 3C and a new blanket of white on the mountain tops.

*After 40 days of living in it, with the last two being completely shut due to rain, my tent was smelling like a locker room and was full of debris that had been tracked in over time.  Therefore, I took everything out of the tent to be aired, swept up, washed my pillow cases (and laundry) . . . a fresh start for the tent.

*I've done a lot of thinking to make sure I was on track with the project, and recorded a short video where I get back to the basics stating what I believe and why I am doing the project.  Not really a fresh start . . . but a fresh restating that I will provide you tomorrow.

One final fresh start to mention . . . at any given moment of any given day each and every one of us can assess what we believe and the priorities we hold.  And, when we do so, if we are open to it, we can give ourselves a fresh start on how we see the world, how we see those around us, and how we will play a role in making the world a better place for us all.    Something to think about.

Hey!!  I'm That Poverty Guy . . . let's make a world of difference together.

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