October 26, 2011

Visualizing a Plenitude Economy

I would argue that the world economic system is failing, or at the very least not working well.  This is evidenced by the growing gap between rich and poor, 80% of resources being consumed by 20% of the population, unsustainable consumption of resources, billions of people living in poverty, and widespread discontent.  Beyond complaining about it (which does have some value) . . . what can we do about it?

There are a lot of different ideas ranging from tweaking our current system to changing the system.  One idea is a "Plenitude Economy"  (plenitude: an abundance; the condition of being full or complete), as explained by the following video. 

To find out more about this idea, you can go to www.newdream.org.

Hey!!  I'm That Poverty Guy . . . let's make a world of difference together.

Click Here to Sign . . . A Declaration to World Leaders

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  1. I've been working an 80% work week for eight months now. Who knew I was ahead of the curve!

  2. Sean D. Krausert, EditorOctober 31, 2011 at 9:54 AM

    Having read your blogs, I've know you've been ahead of the curve for some time now! Blessings.
